Instructions Registrationmodule

To create a new Account

** go to
** go to menu item “Member Area” and then to “Registration Module”
** go to the section “No Account? Register now!” click here to continue”.
** fill in a username and a password (2times); and click “Go further”.
** fill in your personal data; and click on “Next step”.
** check all the data; and click on “Confirm your account data”.
** go to your email account where you receive a mail with an activation code; follow the instructions in this e-mail to active and to use your account

Log in to your account

** go to
** go to menu item “Member Area” and then to “Registration Module”
** fill in your username and password; and click “Sign on”.
** now you are logged in your own account.
** here you can change your personal data, email address and password when necessary.
** when you are the first time here, you can add a vehicle. 

To add a vehicle

** when you are logged in your account; click on “Add a vehicle”.
** choose Car or Bike; and click on “Next Step”.
** choose “Street Legal” or “Dragrace” ; click on “Next step”.


Street Legal are street racing classes as OSL, ASL t/m DSL, SE SM, WS, SLB en SMB.
Dragrace are pro classes like PRO-ET, Super Gas, Super Comp etc, also Street Bike ET, Super Street Bike, Street Twin, Super Twin Top Gas etc.

** choose your class and fill in all the data of your vehicle; and click on “Next”

If you can’t choose your class, you probably made the wrong choose at the last page; go back and make the right choose.

** For dragrace classes make an apply for a permanent startnumber. For Street Legal classes you only apply for a permanent startnumber when you regular enter the races; otherwise you will get a temporary startnumber when you enter a race. 

To apply for a permanent startnumber

** you ONLY apply for a permanent startnumber in Street Legal when you regular enter the races; otherwise you will get a temporary startnumber when you enter a race.
** for Dragrace classes you always apply for your own permanent startnumber.
** when you are logged in your account;  click in the section vehicle data on “Apply for a permanent startnumber”.
** choose your startnumber of one of the free startnumbers or fill in your own startnumber; and click on “Request”.
** we will receive your request and will confirm your startnumber when this is free.
** after a while (can be 2 days) you will see your startnumber in de section Vehicle data. 

To subscribe for a race

** when you are logged in your account; click by Event Registration on “ Click here for the list of all the events”
** mark the event you want to enter; and click on “To subscribe for the select events”.
** when you have 1 vehicle in your account, you automatically will go further.
** when you have more vehicles in your account, you can choose the vehicle whitch you will enter the event; then click on “Go further”.
** read the conditions good and accept the conditions before you click “Go further”.
** now you subscripted for this event.
** when you directly have to pay for the entree-fee for this event you will connect with the pay-module where you can pay with Ideal (only for Dragracing); the subscription is only complete when you’ve paid the entry-fee.
** at the event page you can check your subscription with your vehicle. 

To unsubscribe for an Event

 ** when you are logged in your account; click by Event Registration on “ Click here for the list of all the events”
** go to the event; here you can check your vehicle which you entered the event.
** click on “To unsubscribe”
** confirm this and click on “Yes, unsubscribe”.
** now you are unsubscribed. 

You can’t subscribe for an Event

** You can’t subscribe for an event, while your account contains a vehicle.
** it’s possible that your vehicle type (Bike of Car) will not drive on this event..
** also it’s possible that you add not the right vehicle to your account (Street Legal or Dragrace), if you want tot enter a Street Legal event while you added a vehicle in the section Dragrace; you can’t subscribe.
** go in your account to your vehicle and click on “Request for a class change”.
** choose the right class and click on “Request”
** we will receive your request and will confirm your class change; that will take 1 or 2 days; when you are in a hurry, please send an email to
** when your classes is changed can subscribe for the event.

To enter an event with the same car in 2 classes

** not for Street Legal !!!!
** when you are logged in your account; you add a second vehicle to your account with the same data as the First one, only register in an other class.
** only when the startnumber is free in this class, you make an apply for the same startnumber.
** It’s possible to drive with one vehicle in 2 different classes with the same startnumber. (not for Street Legal) 

To Drive with 2 vehicles in 1 class

** when you are logged in your account; you add a second vehicle to your account with the data of the second vehicle and register in the same class.
** with this second vehicle jou can’t drive with your normal startnumber; je will get a temporary startnumber when you enter a race or you apply for an other permanent startnumber when you are going to drive regularly. 

To Drive with 2 vehicles in 2 different classes

** when you are logged in your account; you add a second vehicle to your account with the data of the second vehicle and register in another class.
** with this second vehicle jou can’t drive with your normal startnumber; je will get a temporary startnumber when you enter a race or you apply for an other permanent startnumber when you are going to drive regularly. 

To drive temporary with another vehicle in the same class

** when you are logged in your account; you can change your vehicle data yourself.
** when you already subscribed for an event, the vehicle registration for this event will be changed too. 

For a overview of all the subscriptions

** go to
** to menu item “Member Area” and then to “Registration Module” and then to “Registration per event”.
** click on an event to see all the subscriptions for this event.

To delete your vehicle


This makes you will loose your permanent startnumber connected to this vehicle! Also this vehicle will be unsubscribed for all the events you were subscribed for.

** when you are logged in your account; go to the section vehicle data.
** click “Delete vehicle”
** confirm and click “Yes, delete” 

For more questions or troubles